Recipe Book

Great food is a passion of mine, and simplicity is imperative, so I opt for preparing meals ​at home ​that are easy to put together, partially due to time constraints and partially since I’m not really a​ good cook. My husband calls me a great “assembler​.” ​Even when we entertain, it’s with simply prepared recipes, which I gladly share when asked. Fifteen years ago,​ I​ ​copied and collated ​a few recipes at​ Kinko’s and sent them out to friends and family.  Seven years ago, I similarly ​​created the second edition of the recipe book. I really wanted to create a third edition, and decided to do so to celebrate my 10th year in real estate. It felt like a great gift to share with clients and supportive friends, and the idea grew to be a mechanism to raise funds for our philanthropic fund.​​

To download the recipe book, click here: Heartfelt Fare Recipe Book.

For a print version, please contact Joan Kaplan [email protected]